
What is Radiesse?

Our skin created collagen and elastin which keeps it looking firm and youthful. However, as we age, these stores diminish which can lead to wrinkles and sagging, making us look older than we feel. Radiesse is the first and only FDA-approved CaHA injectable that provides stimulation of collagen and elastin production with immediate results. Calcium hydroxyapatite (CaHA) is made up of ions of calcium and phosphate, which occur naturally in the human body. It stimulates collagen, which allows for your body to naturally improve skin firmness and elasticity.

Radiesse can be used to address the following areas:

  • Smile lines such as nasolabial folds.
  • The backs of the hands.
  • Jawline contour.

Candidates for Radiesse

Ideal candidates for Radiesse are those who wish to smooth folds and wrinkles, wish to contour their jawline, or plump the back of their hands. You should not receive this treatment if you have a history of severe allergies, have been diagnosed with a bleeding disorder, or are pregnant or breastfeeding. To learn more about if this treatment is right for your anti-aging goals, contact us today to schedule a consultation appointment.

The Treatment

During treatment, your skin will be cleansed and a topical numbing cream applied to ensure you are comfortable. Then, Radiesse will be skillfully injected into the determined areas. Treatment is generally quick and can take 15-30 minutes to complete.


“So very satisfied with Dr. V and the great motivator he is!”


Following Radiesse you may experience bruising, redness, swelling, or itching at the injection site which will resolve with time. While there is no downtime needed, you should avoid direct sun and heat for at least 24 hours or until your swelling has gone down. Results will be immediately noticeable. Over time, collagen will also be created, and the filler will dissolve, leaving you with a natural enhancement. Results can last a year or more.

Schedule Your Consultation

For more information regarding Radiesse, and if it is right for you anti-aging goals, contact North Valley Cosmetic Surgery in Scottsdale, AZ today. To get started, you will need to schedule a consultation appointment, during which we will speak with you regarding your aesthetic goals to create a personalized treatment plan for you.


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